Many people do not believe they are worthy of great sex. From guilt to baggage, unhappiness, to fear and/or physical ailments, many people falsely believe
Continue ReadingMonth: June 2016
I’m Not Dead Down There………Yet

Cathy, a 45-year-old marketing professional came to see me in my clinical practice. A striking women, she appeared the picture of health, but sadly she
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The Vancouver Sun by Erin Ellis on June 20, 2016 Ever wondered what goes on behind the doors of a sex counsellor’s office? Look no
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At fifty-eight years of age, Colleen was getting ready for her first marriage that was to take place at her local parish church in two
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Tina, a forty something mom married to a man 12 years her junior presented to my clinical practice because she said she needed to put
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Caroline a 45 year old accountant, married, busy mother of three presented to my clinical practice after having heard my TEDxStanleyPark2016 talk about "The Sexless Marriage."
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