It was anything but shallow. But what was it? Definitely lost in the moment. All of us. He lusts after the Lady Gaga. And she
Continue ReadingMonth: February 2019
Low Sexual Desire: When The Problem Lies in the Brain Not The Bedroom
"A new man, that's the treatment," said my 80 year patient after I told her I was speaking about low sexual desire in pre-menopausal women
Continue ReadingLow Sexual Desire, Ladies? #Valentine Day Reality
Good morning, Maureen, it's Jane the CPA who would be happy to "never have sex again." The passion is gone, lost 5 years ago after
Continue Reading#WorldRadioDay…still talking sex.
He Had It All! Except His Libido!
She was gorgeous & he loved her. Larry had it all; money, a woman w/ high sexual desire, 3 homes, nice cars…Or did he? She
Continue ReadingOn-Line Dating for Seniors
According to, 20 million seniors aged 65 and older are single in the United States, due to various reasons such as divorce, separation or
Continue ReadingBe You.
Would my plane get off? It was touch & go for the red eye Sunday night due to a BC blizzard. I was scheduled to
Continue ReadingMy Husband Was A Dick-Tator

"My husband was a Dicktator," she said. Emphasis on Dick. This after I asked my patient how her ex-husband was doing. He's no longer, she
Continue ReadingLow Sexual Desire & Sexless Marriage Expert
It's not something I broadcast, so to speak. I don't want people to take it the wrong way. "My expertise lies in low sexual desire
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Written by Maureen McGrath, Thought Leader & Clinical Care Expert at Nurse Next Door With many cold days ahead, I thought I would share with
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