1. Men want to be desired. So let him know you are physically attracted to him & compliment him when you can. Let him know you're proud of his accomplishments.
2. Men aren't afraid of honesty & they don't want to feel like they have to change who they are for you. You can't change him so don't even try.
2. Men are linear in their goals & objectives & have no appreciation for drama. Don't come at him broadside especially if it is irrelevant to him.
4. Wrap your arms around him, show a little PDA. Initiate.
Women are linear too & believe that sexual desire comes first. Take a page out of Nike's book, "Just do it!" If you enjoy it, it's called responsive desire. It's a bio-psycho-social model that resonates with today's busy woman.
5. Never let him believe your love is conditional. Remember, he likes his freedom. Don't undermine him or threaten his masculinity.
6. Be authentic & real. Don't fake anything especially the Big O! Let him help you to experience them!
7. Talk to him......in bed. Guide him. Men are totally turned on when a woman verbalizes what she wants, what feels good & when she feels pleasure. Be vulnerable in bed, open up & let go.
You can still be a boss but be yourself & he'll be his.
]]>Gentlemen, do you leak urine since your radical prostatectomy?
Not so sexy, eh?
Have you been advised to do Kegel exercises and not really sure if you're doing them correctly? Do you forget to do them? Have they actually worked for your leakage of urine? Chances are they have not.
Leaking urine is NEVER Normal. Pads are not the answer. The "Kegel Throne" by BTL Emsella is.
This High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM®) technology causes deep pelvic floor muscle stimulation and restoration of the neuromuscular control.
Basically, The Kegel Throne does 11,800 Kegel exercises in one sitting. You are fully clothed during treatments. You can read or relax while the Kegel Throne does the work for you!
Just six sessions over three weeks will get you back to your old self and feeling younger again, I might add. There is a 95% patient satisfaction rate.
Leak no more ladies and gentlemen and get back to the bedroom! For information on the Kegel Throne or to book an appointment, please visit: 1800Bladder.com
]]>What Eileen didn't expect when she was expecting was a change in her sexual function after the birth of her baby. Eileen and Edward resumed intimate relations as per the doctor's order at six weeks postpartum. Although Eileen felt closer than ever to Edward she was surprised that sexually things felt different. Her doctor recommended Kegel exercises but after many weeks, they didn't help with her lack of sexual sensation.
Eileen emailed me after hearing a segment on my radio show the Sunday Night Health Show with Dr. Bruce Alan an obstetrician and gynecologist. We spoke about those sensitive issues that may occur after a woman has a baby such as physical, psychological and relationship changes.
Women tell Dr. Alan that things have changed sexually after childbirth, it's not as pleasurable and they're not as engaged in intercourse anymore which may lead to relationship issues. Dr. Alan explained that after childbirth women experience a combination of tone and tissue changes due to the distention of the vagina during a vaginal delivery which is referred to as vaginal laxity or looseness.
The vaginal tissue is composed of collagen and elastin. With the stretching of the tissues during a vaginal delivery, collagen and elastin are lost. Kegel exercises may help to increase muscle tone but won't help with the sensation.
Restoration of collagen in the vaginal tissues is needed to improve sexual sensation for women. Dr. Alan and I discussed Geneveve by Viveve a new radio frequency, energy type treatment that heats the vaginal tissues and stimulates fibroblasts which are important in the restoration of collagen and elastin.
Genevieve, by Viveve is a safe, quick, painless and effective procedure that a woman can have performed in her doctor's office on her lunch hour. There's no risks, complications or downtime. By improving sexual sensation with Geneveve by Viveve.com Geneveve women can enjoy intercourse again!
Although a woman does this treatment for herself to make sex more pleasurable, Geneveve by Viveve Geneveve has a significant impact on relationships. Dr. Alan has had tremendous feedback from many women, who've told him Geneveve by Viveve has saved their marriages.
To hear the full interview please go to: Sunday Night Health Show December 18, 2017 show.
Maureen McGrath is a registered nurse, executive director of the Women's Health Initiative Network raising awareness about vaginal, sexual, uterine and bladder health. She is in clinical practice in North Vancouver. She also hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on CKNW, is a TEDx Speaker, and author of Sex & Health: Why One Can't Come Without the Other. Her radio show is a free download on iTunes. Sunday Night Health Show
To learn more about Geneveve by Viveve go to Geneveve
]]>He couldn't resist the temptation to cheat five times in three months. Hardly an affair. She'd asked him how he was. He succumbed. That's all it took for this God-fearing man.
They'd watched my TEDx talk on the No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame. She wanted me to be an expert witness in his divorce trial.
He admitted to the indiscretion. Regardless, the division of assets lay in the hands of twelve southern jurors, not one with a high school diploma.
The deposition read like War and Peace, sans peace. 1000 pages, the cheating paled by comparison to the lesbian liaisons, limousine lovers, parental alienation, drinking, hateful women and murder.
Cheating is the ultimate betrayal but so is imposing fidelity in a sexless marriage.
In late winter, I flew to Georgia.
We met for dinner, the lawyer, her client and me. His lawyer wasn't sure if the best strategy was to bring attention to his indiscretion. The jury was impatient. This trial had been going on for weeks.
His ex-wife subpoenaed sixty friends. Besides, the lawyer felt the jury empathized with him.
A recess for Christmas. The trial played out into the New Year.
The assets were divided unfairly……in his estimation. His legal bill was $300,000.
Betrayal all around. He believed she never loved him. He didn't want the marriage to end.
The real sadness is that this couple never had the right help. Sexless marriage is a thing. There is help.
Maureen McGrath hosts the Sunday Night Health Show on CKNW, CHQR, CHED and CJOB. She is a registered nurse , executive director of the Women’s Health Initiative Network, and in clinical practice in North Vancouver. She also does telehealth consults for people and couples all around the world. A TEDx speaker, she is author of Sex & Health: Why One Can’t Come Without the Other. Her radio show is a free download on iTunes. Sextalk
Her website is: Back To The Bedroom
To book an appointment email Maureen at: [email protected]
]]>Recognition of the problem is a good place to begin. Try not to have hurt feelings over this problem. It's a common couple occurrence. And, it’s not just men who suffer insipid sex. Women actually report boredom in the bedroom more often than men, according to research. Time to really man up guys!
There's something new on the menu for you. Set aside more time than you think you’ll need to satiate your sexual desires. Go in hungry, literally hungry. Be open. Be vulnerable. Own it. . Check your problems at the door. Keep the end game in mind. It’ll be fantastic, you’ll feel fulfilled and fabulous--if you follow my lead!
Chances are you have not satiated your sexual palate lately. Make a commitment together that the two of you will add flavour to your sexual repertoire. To do so, look no further than your own refrigerator--time to bring in the aphrodisiacs! Pour yourself a stiff drink. Then get out the whipping cream, chocolate sauce, honey, maple syrup and more. The ultimate in oral sex.
Now you’re getting it. Maybe it’s time to rekindle the flame somewhere other than your bedroom. Make love in the lav. Dim the lights, add candles. Think shower head. Excellent for experiencing sexual pleasure. Besides, it’ll make things hot and steamy. Place some thick luscious towels on the base of the tub and hop in. Run warm water, bask in your oasis.
Set up a smorgasbord of your favourite sensual flavours soon to be turned into sexual sensation delicacies. The softness of the whipping cream, the silkiness of chocolate, the sweetness of honey making a mess of maple syrup! Invite your lover to pick their favourite flavour gently applying, rubbing, massaging onto their erogenous zones. Touch, lick, taste. Oral love play.
Head for the shower, it’ll add some splash! With a little creativity, imagination, time and a towel, you’ll soon be asking, “what’s on the menu tonight, honey?”
]]>I sought to speak to our politicians about more choice in the treatment of uterine fibroids. This is not my first rodeo, so to speak. I've been meeting with politicians and bureaucrats for a number of years trying to get better access to medications for women so that their economic conditions aren't affected.
Uterine fibroids commonly happen during the reproductive years in women, a time when they may be growing their families and advancing their careers.
Uterine fibroids come along at the busiest time in a women's life. The symptoms can be harrowing and may include heavy, irregular and prolonged uterine bleeding, anemia, pelvic pressure, sexual pain, pelvic pain, constipation, leakage of urine along with frequency and urgency. Symptomatic uterine fibroids account for 30 to 50 percent of hysterectomies in Canada annually.
The most common treatment for uterine fibroids is hysterectomy which may have a significant economic impact on women especially single moms. Most women will require 6 weeks off of work, often requiring additional child care. Also, there are significant risks such as bleeding and infection for any surgery. Many women suffer a sense of loss when their womb has been removed. fibroid-related surgical procedures cost the Canadian health care system 192 million dollars annually.
Other options such as myomectomy or ablation are not all that appealing to women either, especially when there are medications that are available. Medications such as Fibristal, a selective progesterone, receptor modulator, reduces bleeding and shrinks the size of uterine fibroids lessening they symptoms.
For any woman with uterine fibroids wishing to preserve her fertility or prevent surgery, Fibristal is an excellent choice. But most unfortunately unlike every other province in Canada, Fibristal is not covered by our medical services plan which means women have to pay out of their own pocket. And if they cannot afford this medication, their only option may be surgery. This is simply not fair.
Women need this choice and this medication needs to be covered by Pharmacare. Given the long surgical waitlists not to mention protracted waits in Emergency Departments for visits related to pain and bleeding, it would only make sense that the government cover Fibristal, reduce emergency room waits and decrease surgical waitlists.
Hence, my trip to the legislature today because this is a no brainer. Fibristal is a game-changer.
Maureen McGrath is an expert on workplace bullying and sexual harassment, a sexpert, women's health expert and hosts the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show . Maureen's TEDx Talk on No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame has had close to 6 million views in one year. Sexless marriage is a thing. Maureen is the creator of the blog 50ShadesofPink.ca and has a clinical practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia where she helps many couples in sexless marriages. Maureen is also available for SKYPE consults. Contact her at her website: Back To The Bedroom For more information about Mona Lisa Touch a new novel hormone-free therapy for vaginal dryness, painful sex, low sexual desire and urinary incontinence visit Mona Lisa Touch.
]]>This societal malignancy of sexual harassment and workplace bullying, a common occurrence across every organization is difficult to understand. The good news is that these disgusting events ignited a firestorm in women and they began to speak up about their own situations. Most women have at least one. Hashtags like #MeToo and #MyHarveyWeinstein are pepper spraying the internet. And Harvey Weinstein never realized that Karma is actually....a woman. And Hell hath NO fury like a woman's scorn. Some men are now denouncing this behaviour but quite frankly guys it's too little and far too late.
But one might ask why don't women speak out about this soul and often career destroying behaviour? Worse, why do so few people who witness this behaviour fail to speak out or defend a target of a sexual harasser or bully? Fear. Fear all around. Fear that it was in their head for women (in part because we've been told we have hysteria for centuries). Fear that it would be perceived by others as their own fault because they had a drink or were dressed provocatively.
Those who witness sexual harassment or workplace bullying remain mum too. They're also scared. They don't want to lose their jobs. They may have been unemployed for a protracted period of time and fear job loss. Take Anna, a two bit scientist at a startup company, she was unemployed for three years when the rates of unemployment were at an all time low. How depressing is that? PhD and no job.
So when one of those startup companies was looking for a "scientist", she finally landed a job. She was hired because of her vulnerability because the head of the company was a narcissist. He thought he could abuse her and thought she would never call him on his abusive behaviour. He was right about one thing.
She witnessed many incidents of targeted workplace bullying and sexual harassment. However, early on, she got across to her boss that he was never to treat her the way he treated other women and he didn't. Why? She wielded some power. She learned her boss, a closeted gay man was having an affair with a well-known male politician. His out of work life consisted of cocaine fuelled addiction, depression, despair and men having sex with men.
She also knew the secrets of the science or lack thereof at this company and the promises to those who'd invested millions. Nothing there. According to her, his "solve a global problem" solution was a farce. It didn't work and she let him know it. Her job was safe. She held the power. As for abuse of the other women? Anna, mother of three young daughters, turned a blind eye.
Women are treated unfairly so often by men in the workplace. We are paid less and passed over for promotions, mansplained to and manipulated for sexual favours. Working in and outside of the home is often not too easy.
Unfortunately as the target of a sexual harasser or a workplace bully, without the support of colleagues, women are unarmed. They have no idea what to do and think there is nothing they can do. They blame themselves, try harder, become stressed may experience anxiety, heart palpitations, weight loss and sleep disruption. Many women suffer the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder much like victims of war after they've been sexually assaulted, harassed, or bullied in the workplace.
There are some important things women can do to deal with this.
Here are my suggestions:
1. Document any quid pro quo behaviour by your abuser, i.e. sexual favours in exchange for a promotion or job.
2. Document date, time, place and any witnesses of behaviour
3. Document in a notebook not on your computer and keep it in a safe place.
4. Gather the evidence, text messages, sext messages, emails and voicemails.
5. Report the harassment at work, in writing. If you had a conversation about it, follow up with an email.
6. File a complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal or whatever regulatory body has jurisdiction over this. BC Human Rights Tribunal has a six month statute of limitations.
7. Hire an employment lawyer. They will often not charge you until a settlement is reached.
Unfortunately, settlements silence women but if a company has enough of them to pay out, then the culture may begin to change. There are times when a job isn't worth one's soul and the only real option may be to leave the company, soul intact.
Maureen McGrath is an expert on workplace bullying and sexual harassment, a sexpert, women's health expert and hosts the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show . Maureen's TEDx Talk on No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame has had close to 6 million views in one year. Sexless marriage is a thing. Maureen is the creator of the blog 50ShadesofPink.ca and has a clinical practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia where she helps many couples in sexless marriages. Maureen is also available for SKYPE consults. Contact her at her website: Back To The Bedroom For more information about Mona Lisa Touch a new novel hormone-free therapy for vaginal dryness, painful sex, low sexual desire and urinary incontinence visit Mona Lisa Touch.
]]>Janet 38 and Mark (not his real name) 40 had been married ten years. Two years prior Janet came to see me for recurrent urinary tract infections. When I asked her if she was sexually active, she said she wasn't mainly because she didn't really like sex that much. Probing a bit further, I asked her how her husband felt about that. She gave me the same response many women in sexless marriages give me which was,"my husband is so patient."
Janet returned to see me two years later because she found out that her husband wasn't so patient after all. She had received emails and photos from a woman I will call Lynette who told Janet all about the affair she had been having with her husband Mark for just under two years. Janet was not only heartbroken, she felt like a complete fool. How could Mark have done this to her? How could she not have known? Hindsight is 20/20 and she realized that all of those late nights at work were ones where he wasn't paid. She also realized the error of her ways.
She remembered that I had told her that there were risks to a sexless marriage like infidelity and she said that at the time she thought I was completely wrong and that would never happen to her. Aside from a lack of sex, Janet and Mark's relationship was nearly perfect, she told me. They got along really well, liked the same things and were great parents together. They were the envy of their friends.
The lack of an intimate relationship between spouses after marriage is essentially true due to many factors that hinder them from having an intercourse-filled family life. There are many excuses couples make to one another. Many ignore the subject of sex. Few realize the risks until it is too late. Building a sexual relationship is essential for the success of the marriage and for the marriage to last. The question is how does a couple go about finding that balance.
Make sex as important in your relationship as anything else, including kids, in-laws and finances. Care for one another. Make time for intimacy. Take care of each other's pleasure. Talk about sex with one another. Make sex fun. Share your fantasies. Communicate. Let your partner know when you are upset about the lack of sex in your marriage. Tell your partner what you desire, whether it is French kissing more, oral sex, blindfolds, light ties, a threesome or something else. If you make a sexual suggestion and your partner isn't so keen, see if it is an absolute no or or whether they'll give it consideration in the future.
Make no excuse. Sex. Is. Important. In. Marriage.
Are you headed to a Sexless Marriage? Take the Quiz Sexless Marriage Quiz
Maureen McGrath is a sexpert, women's health expert and hosts the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show . Maureen's TEDx Talk on No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame has had close to 6 million views in one year. Sexless marriage is a thing. Maureen is the creator of the blog 50ShadesofPink.ca and has a clinical practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia where she helps many couples in sexless marriages. Maureen is also available for SKYPE consults. Contact her at her website: Back To The Bedroom For more information about Mona Lisa Touch a new novel hormone-free therapy for vaginal dryness, painful sex, low sexual desire and urinary incontinence visit Mona Lisa Touch.
]]>Married men may experience frustration at repeated rejection because they initiate sex more often than women do but women may be even more devastated at male rejection believing there is something unattractive or undesirable about them to their partner. Men just think women hate sex. But that's another blog post.
Once couples marry, it seems that sex priorities change dramatically. Couples settle in like they would an old comfy couch. Appearances of a perfect union to the neighbours, friends and/or relatives may be more important than a bond in the bedroom.
With kids comes fatigue, smaller space, stress or a move to the suburbs and the need for a new vehicle. You will never have sex in a minivan so don't even think about it. Time, desire, finances, conflict resolution strategies, in-laws and jobs replace the passion of yesteryear (as long as you didn't marry your best friend or answer the call of your ticking biological clock which means sex was doomed from the start).
So if your wife seemingly hates sex unless she wants something (shoes, a new car or a baby) or if your husband is covertly arranging threesomes with women he's never met (a sure sign of the sexually deprived husband), or if your husband prefers sleep to seduction, your wife is too tired for sex but not shopping, you may be a victim of married sex. And here are the signals:
1. If you do this……I will have sex with you sex….This is sex that is typically associated with an unfinished home project, a hedge trim, the promise of a household chore or simply putting down the toilet seat. (women's standards are pretty low)
2. Shower Sex: The water is hot and the sex isn't. It's awkward, done only to save time.
3. Hurry up sex: The kids are awake, home, listening, going to walk in etc sex. Inevitably she hears someone at the door whether they are there or not. She will check and ruin the moment.
4. Did you did you did you.....? sex. This is transformational sex which goes from in the early days of dating, was that good for you baby? To did you, did you, did you......finish? What's wrong with you? We've been at this for a minute and a half. The hard truth is a soft reality.
5. Morning sex: I am in mourning over the loss of my sex life.
6. Sex anytime anywhere sex: You: Honey, I'm breastfeeding, have a fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, a runny nose and am bleeding from every orifice. Him: Can we have sex?
7. Tech Sex: No this isn't about vibrators, but about watching tv or checking your iPhone during sex.
8. I want another baby sex. Yes! Yes! Yes! The sex life is reignited. Because most men’s brains are below the belt they are more than happy to oblige because pregnancy is the last thing they think will result from unprotected sex when a woman is ovulating. Our brains are hard-wired for instant gratification. So is his.
9. Why can’t we just cuddle sex? This needs no further description.
10. I wanted to but you were sleeping sex: You didn’t come upstairs fast enough and I fell asleep. Or I just had so much to do downstairs and by the time I came up (the next day), you were asleep.
11. Lights out sex- especially after children, with weight gain, peri-menopause, menopause
12. I just bought 6 pairs of Jimmy Choos sex. Cowboy, take me away!
Both men and women in same sex marriages or heterosexual unions who are deprived of sex from their spouse, experience sadness, loneliness and are at increased risk of hypertension and early death.
The signals above are foreplay to a marital fiasco. Sex in marriage does ebb and flow because marriage is under the constant influence of sex, money and in-laws. Technology too may extinguish the spark. Blue light emission interrupts your sleep and you are more likely to fight the next day. Libido plummets due to resultant tech fatigue. This may be an addiction and every bit as lethal as an addiction to alcohol, drugs, porn, sex, food or shopping.
Communication is key. Keep having the talk. The. Sex. Talk. And it's actually women who report more boredom in the bedroom. Talking about sex is arousing. Why do you think sexting is so popular? Keep in mind, a lack of sex in a marriage is the number one reason for divorce.
So if you're having more quickies than coital extravaganzas, more rejection than reconnection, she prefers long johns to lingerie or if long john is rather lonely, it may be time to massage the marriage and get Back To The Bedroom. Making sex a priority in your marriage is good for intimacy, health and your relationship. Yes, take a page out of Nike's book and "Just Do it!" But just do it well.
Maureen McGrath is a sexpert, women's health expert and hosts the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show . Maureen's TEDx Talk on No Sex Marriage: Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame has had close to 6 million views in one year. Sexless marriage is a thing. Maureen is the creator of the blog 50ShadesofPink.ca and has a clinical practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia where she helps many couples in sexless marriages. Maureen is also available for SKYPE consults. Contact her at her website: Back To The Bedroom For more information about Mona Lisa Touch a new novel hormone-free therapy for vaginal dryness, painful sex, low sexual desire and urinary incontinence visit Mona Lisa Touch.
Are you headed to a Sexless Marriage? Take the Quiz Sexless Marriage Quiz
]]>Women have been led to believe that sexual desire precedes sexual activity when in actual fact, arousal often precedes sexual desire especially in the longer term relationships which is anything longer than two years. Once women realize that this linear sexual response is not reliable, they can understand why things hadn't been working the way they thought they should.
That said, if your sex live needs a reboot, a little support may be required in getting the juices flowing, the arousal going. This begins with a little self exploration. It's important ladies to know yourself, explore your body and learn what feels good. According to research about 85% of women self-stimulate so next time you do, make sure you get naked first. This in and of itself is arousing. Touch yourself, feel the sensations, explore and learn what feels good.
In addition to feeling good, self-stimulation revitalizes body tissues and releases emotional tension. Masturbation may help you to increase your arousal to a higher level and experience orgasm and/or increase the pleasure or intensity of an orgasm. Pleasuring yourself is helpful if your partner is on a different sexual rhythm and not only meets your sexual needs, you will be able to communicate to your partner what feels good. Masturbation is healthy, normal and beneficial both physically and emotionally ladies. If you can't touch yourself, who can you touch?
Be comfortable in your own skin and strut your stuff! Naked, of course. The next time you make love with your partner, walk in the room naked. Well ok, naked with the exception of some hot pink pumps perhaps. I was in a store recently and a guy had picked up a size 7 hot pink strappy pump from the sale section to show to his girlfriend. The shoes were too small for her but fortunately were just my size! Know what you want ladies and go after it!
Consider, doing your household chores with nothing on and celebrate! Pay bills at your desk in the buff! Fantasize, it's fun! Conduct your business in your birthday suit! You might want to stop short of answering the door for the delivery man in the buff unless of course it's a fantasy fulfilled. Dream on ladies! It's arousing indeed!
Almost naked works too. You don't want to wear too much which is why a G-String may be perfect. G-string panties are naturally arousing as they gently press against your clitoris. The tighter the G-string, the more pressure applied. You get it.
In order to be comfortable in your skin and strut your stuff in pumps, obviously you must be comfortable with your body. This calls for my "Get Naked Diet." Make a commitment to cutting out sugar, alcohol, carbohydrates and process foods. The "Get Naked Diet" is a lifestyle change to health, clean eating; high protein, low carb, water, low glycemic fruits and vegetables.
Eating this way will increase your energy levels, improve your mood and help you to sleep better. Fatigue is the number one reason for low sexual desire and will no longer plague your sexual response. This Get Naked Plan may also reduce pain because of the elimination of the inflammatory agent sugar from your diet.
Exercise is important too as not only does it aid in flexibility, it increases serotonin levels, improving mood and overall wellness. You can sure exercise in the buff in the privacy of your own home which may increase arousal also! If you feel good, you can't help but look good. I'm not suggesting that only thin bodies are sexy, rather that women with confidence in their bodies are the sexiest bodies. Keep in mind, your physical, emotional and spiritual health are tied to your sex life.
So celebrate your body, get naked, touch yourself, fantasize and strut your stuff back to the bedroom ladies! You'll be glad you did. Oh and one more thing.....no marriage is perfect and you will have conflict, so remember settle all marital arguments in the bedroom.....NAKED!
Maureen McGrath is a women’s health expert and hosts the Sunday Night Sex Show on News Talk 980 CKNW. She is creator of the blog 50ShadesofPink.ca and has a clinical practice in North Vancouver, British Columbia. She is an expert in the Sexless Marriage. Her TEDx talk on the matter has received close to 5 million views in one year.
Vaginal Dryness? Painful Sex? Light Bladder Leakage? For information about vaginal rejuvenation, Mona Lisa Touch might be for you. Please visit Mona Lisa Touch